First Order of Business? Build a Healthy Business Partnership.


The age-old chicken-egg question will never be answered. But the “What comes first? The partnership or the business?” question has a definite and absolute answer.

The partnership. All the way. Ding! Ding! Ding!

You simply cannot build a healthy, thriving partner-business unless you build your healthy partnership first. It cannot be done the other way around. Yet most people start with the business and then fit in the partnership as an afterthought.


Bad idea, and guaranteed to create the dreaded Partnersh*t.Minibook 8.9 254

Think, people. Can you decorate the master bedroom before you build the house? Can you build the house on quicksand?  Most entrepreneurs are so damned anxious to rent the space/do the logo/build the website/invest in hardware/hire people/look for customers and on and on and on . . . BEFORE they create a solid Human Foundation upon which their business will thrive. Does that make sense to you?

Bottom line is this: If you want to survive in a partner-business, you have to start at the REAL BEGINNING:

• Before you commit to a partner

• Before you order the logo-and-a-website special

• Before you buy or lease equipment and office space

• Before you write the business plan

• Before you write the branding and marketing plans

• Before you look for financing

• Before you hire anyone

• Before you start the hunt for clients

• Before you advertise

• Before you launch

 Click here to find out how to start at the real beginning. It’s the only place to start.

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